> See David Reznak's Biofilmography


For this long documentary I shot with a Bolex and Arriflex SR, thirteen hours of 16mm colour negative film and try to develop a personal language, outside commercial circuits, sometimes artisan, and always against superficial and morbid pleasure that normally involves this theme.

I edited it on a flatbed and when I had a montage of 2 hours and 10 minutes, I telecine the work print and magnetic sound and went in to my friend Martin Eller's computer, where we did the final montage. My intentions from the beginning were to legitimize the delirium, and I knew that the film was going to be written with the camera and concretize at the editing.

I try the camera to be discreet and respectful; always introduced once the relationship was established with the character, trying not to disturb the scene. For these reason the filming crew was small, light and fast, giving improvisation opportunity to appear more often. The aesthetic of the Hospital invited me to make scenes entirely visual or silent.

The same way the train that takes me from Madrid to Leganés (small town outside Madrid where the hospital is) shows me the back shop of factories and towns, that path that only the railroad takes, my stay at the Mental Hospital has become like watching society behind the scene. After a while, looking to visitors and patient's family when they come to the Hospital is as interesting or more as the patients themselves.

Madness has a primitive power for revelation: revelation of what is dreamy is to be real. All reality is reabsorbed by the fantastic images, and what better medium than cinema, dreamy and fantastic, through its magic to represent it.

The general vision of the Mental Hospital gradually sums up, getting deeply into interesting patients that offer themselves to participate, picturing their lives outside and inside the Hospital, their homes, the travelling between one place to another, and how the city through their eyes is.

This documentary has been filmed all through a whole natural year, so as to portrait punctual events of every season (parties , excursions,.) follow the cycles (crisis - stability) of the younger patients, the getting better or even rehabilitation of the healthier and irreversibility of the eldest.