> La osa mayor menos dos. Por Miguel Marías

> Javier Cortijo en "Miradas para un nuevo milenio. Fragmentos para una historia futura del cine español". De Hilario Rodriguez

> Lucca Film Festival

> ABC. Por Javier Cortijo.

> Cahiers du Cinema. By Jara Yañez

> The last ballad of a sniper.
By Sara Brito. Publico

> Elusive smoke over blue sky.
By Javier Cortijo. ABC

> La locura documentada. Ana Castaño. Miembro de la Escuela Lacaniana de Psicoanálisis. Madrid.

> Abdelfatteh FAKHFAKH. Revista “Le Cinephile". Túnez.





Hailed by some critics as one of the five best Spanish films of these decade, La Osa Mayor menos dos is impressive because of its experimental language of great virtuosity and beauty: for example, it is surprising the extraordinary use of superimpositions during the visit to El Escorial or the poetic interludes of an airplane trail against a background of blue sky, as well as the general attention to the play of the reflection of light, which keep alive the question about the various levels of reality and the extent to which the protagonists are capable of "seeing themselves". The formal extravagances are never an end in themselves; on the contrary, they act as catalysts in bringing the subject and its characters closer, the latter portrayed with great warmth and finesse. Finally seen in Italy , a masterly film about the frontiers between illness and health, reality and fantasy, freedom and conditioning.